This is the year that all my Little Love Bugs have flown away from home. At least for a few hours twice a week. My oldest girls started school yesterday, beginning 5th and 3rd grades. This is the first year my youngest is attending school at a Pre-K 3 program. I could tell she was a little excited, but still a bit nervous to be going off on her own for the first time. She was sure to ask me many times if I was going to pick her up today. Poor thing must think I'm going to forget about her. I wasn't sure if I was going to be a little sad or a little excited for my own free time. Any sadness quickly turned into annoyance when I realized the quick parents meeting I was expecting after drop off, turned into an hour and a half eternity. There went the quiet downtime that I planned on having at Starbucks to reflect on my new freedom. Back to rushing and trying to fit everything into my crowded schedule. So is my life! Day 2 and I already dread homework and how we are going to fit everything into my busy girls' schedules. Every day of the week is already filled and we haven't even fit in volleyball and soccer practices and games! What were we thinking?

My oldest girls are getting so grown up! This is the last year of elementary school for E and the first time for A to have to deal with standardized testing. Big year for both of them.
These three are so cute together when they decide to get along! Last day of freedom for the littlest and she was sad to see her sisters go on the bus to school.
Only a day later, but she looks so much bigger! Ready for her first day of Pre-K 3 with her new big girl backpack. Where did my baby go? I didn't cry when I dropped her off, but I just might now looking at these.
Wishing everyone success in the new school year! Have fun and always try your best! Love these girls to pieces and wishing their teachers luck and joy as they join to shape the future of my babies. Happy New School Year!
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