Thursday, October 27, 2011

Infinity Knit Scarf

I absolutely love all the scarves out there.  However, living in Florida we don't really get too many opportunities to wear them.  But it's not really about the weather is it?  It's about looking and feeling great!  It seems that all the looks I've repinned on Pinterest have scarves.  So, I've decided I'd like to incorporate more scarves into my wardrobe.  I love the infinity scarf, so here is my go at it.  I actually found I could wear it a few ways too.  By the way, sorry about my lovely hair in the photos.  I was about to head out for my soccer game.  After I changed that is!

You will need 1/2 yd each of two different knit fabrics.  I used this animal print and a solid black.  Pin the fabric right sides together.  Sew down both of the long sides, leaving the short sides open. 

Turn the fabric right sides out.  Pin the print material together on the short end with right sides together.  Sew along this edge.  Again turn the fabric wrong sides out. 

Pin the solid fabric with right sides together.  Sew along this seam, leaving about 4 inches unsewn at one end.  Turn the whole thing right sides out again.  Now use an invisible stitch to close up your small opening.  Your scarf is ready to wear!

You can wear it long with one loop or doubled up.

Or wear it as a shrug.  Can't wait to wear mine!


  1. that is so super cute. this is on my list of things i HAVE to make... soon! you did a great job! here from mine for the making.

  2. LOVE this! I love the fabric you chose, how simple it is to make, and that you can wear it different ways! Fab job!

    Thanks for linking up this week!


  3. I really like this fabric! Found you via Tatertots and Jello. Love it if you'd link to Things I've Done Thursday, going on until noon tomorrow. Also have a custom blog button giveaway going on now! Hope you'll stop by and check it out!


  4. Love the part about wearing this as a shrug too-- very clever indeed :D

    Visiting from TT & J linky party today.

    Suzanne in NW Illinois


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