Saturday, August 15, 2015

Back to School! Excited or Dreading?

Here it is!  The last weekend before school starts!  I'm really not looking forward to this.  Sure, I really need to get back to a routine.  I thought less routine would give me more time and make me more productive.  Not so much!  We've been busy, but I'm not sure what we have done.  We've been at the beach quite a bit.  We have done some beach condo projects that I will be sharing soon.  I did get a few workouts in over the summer, but not sure any of them happened during the month of July.

So I'm looking forward to the routine, but I'm not looking forward to waking up early, constantly running from activity to activity, and most of all HOMEWORK!!  Yuck!  With three kids it's tough to fit in everything they want to do, but I know they love it.  My parents helped me to do everything I wanted, and I want to do the same for my kids.  They know if their grades slip, that activities go first.  So for now we work in dance classes, gymnastics, volleyball, and soccer on every day of the school week plus Saturday games.

This year will be a new transition with schools as well.  It's the first time we will have three girls in school at three different schools.  My youngest is in Pre-K five days a week!  :-(  She does get home a bit earlier than the other girls, so I will have to be sure to schedule some fun time with her before the older girls get home.  I'm going to miss my baby!  Not looking forward to giving up our time together.  But she is a little smarty pants, and I know she is going to do great and love school.

Our middle daughter will be starting fourth grade.  This past year she has been diagnosed with ADHD and we started the Feingold Diet for her as well.  This diet eliminates many harmful additives, artifical colors, artificial flavors, and foods high in salicylates.  We've found that she is sensitive especially to artificial colors.  It causes some rage and compulsive behaviors.  This was particularly tough when she gets frustrated with homework and couldn't even focus on her tasks.  She would get down on herself and call herself names.  Very tough to watch as a parent.  This diet has helped us to see her sensitivities and gives us options on what foods are made without these additives.  It's sad that we can't even go to the dentist to have her teeth treated with fluoride without her being subjected to these harmful dyes and flavors!  What is the point of making our toothpaste blue??!  It is difficult to regulate this diet at school.  There are so many temptations around her and people that don't understand.  Last year's teacher was good about it, but there are always friends around that share their candy.  She's not very good at turning them down.  One piece and the compulsive behaviors get worse.  We are hopeful for this new school year, especially since her teacher specializes in reading, which is a tough subject for her.

My oldest will also be entering middle school!  I'm already stressing because she didn't get the math class she was signed up for.  They are supposed to be be looking into it, but with school starting on Monday, I assume she will be attending all of the classes on her original schedule.  I worry that's going to make it harder for her if they completely change her schedule and she has to have another first day later on after everyone is already settled in a class.  I'm sure it will be fine after the year gets going, but she's not the most outgoing person.  I hope there is at least someone she is familiar with in some of her classes to make the transition to a new school a little bit easier.  Hoping to avoid all those "mean girls" as well!

Although I'm dreading all the unknowns that come from them growing up, I know that they are smart and sweet girls that will handle it all with grace.  I think it will be harder on me to see them deal with tough times.  A bit scared of the coming year, but I know that we will support them and be there when they need us.  Is your family looking forward to the school year or dreading it?  I have to admit that I'm doing a little bit of both!


  1. Sounds like a packed year! Re your child that is having difficulty reading there is a fantastic system called toe to toe. It is amazing! My son has come on leaps and bounds as all the tricky things with reading is made so much easier.


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