This week's Copy Cat Closet Challenge from
Ma Nouvelle Mode and
The Grant Life is Animal Print! Don't worry! You don't have to be Snooki to wear it. There are so many types and colors of animal print. Plus you can wear a top, but you could also just wear it as an accent in an accessory. Animal print can even be subtle. I've seen these great black on black animal print jeans that were adorable. I'd also love to find an animal print scarf. I definitely need to add some Jaguar print items to my wardrobe for when football season starts up again!
My animal print top is pretty tame. It's a gray snake skin print.
Inspiration Looks |
My little one decided she wanted to get in on the photo shoot as well. She is my little fashionista, picking out a skirt to wear every day. Even if it is just a PJ day, she still loves to throw on a tutu skirt on top. She also has a fascination with ponies (ponytails). Not sure why, but she likes to pull on mine and always wants one of her own. She's my girly girl.
Top - H&M, Jeggings - Jessica Simpson, Heels - Gianni Bini
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