Tuesday, November 13, 2012

DIY Bronze Decor Accents

Anything can become just a little more sophisticated with just a bit of spray paint!  I've seen so many adorable statues and decorative pieces at home decor stores, but some of them come with a pretty hefty price tag.  Now you can achieve this same look at a fraction of the price.  You may already have the perfect item at home too. 

I chose a plastic pineapple that I found in the Target dollar section over the summer.  Your piece can be anything.  Some ideas include kid's animal figurines, old garden statues or gnomes, or even a dollar store statue that is just a bit too bright and cheesy as is. 

I wanted my piece to have that oil bronzed look, but you can also find silver or gold metallic spray paint as well.  I chose Rust-oleum Oil Rubbed Bronze spray paint.  There are so many different paints out there, you are bound to find something you like.  I've even painted a couple of finials with a leather look spray paint kit.  I found them at a garage sale.  They started out this really bright yellow color.  So much more sophisticated now. 

Simply spray paint your piece as directed on your paint can.  It is always better to go with more light coats than to have a heavy coat of paint that ends of dripping.  Let dry and you are ready to accent your house. 

Such a fun and easy project that will give your home that touch of whimsy or sophistication that you are looking for!

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